I don't have access to the CCA mechanics manual, but here's what the NFHS manual says:
240, 350. In administering all free throws:
e. The Lead official will visually and verbally indicate the number of throws to be administered, bounces the ball to the thrower, and backs out of the lane. The poisition of the Lead official should be appriximately 4 feet from the nearer lane line well off the end line.
242, 352. For all free throws, the Lead official shall:
e. Bounce the ball to the thrower, and back out of the lane. The position of the lead offical should be approximately 4 feet from the nearer lane line well off the endline.
I cannot see where it indicates a different mechanic if there will be an additional free throw(s).
Personally I prefer to be up by the bottom player along the lane if there will be additional shots. It gives me a chance to talk to this guy, gives a visual cue that there will be more shots, puts me in a position to answer the occassional "How many shots was that, Ref?" question, and makes it easier to catch the first free throw before it hits the ground (which, IMHO, just looks sharp. Not sure how that plays with zebraman's opinion that it looks lazy, what say ye?)
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming