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Old Fri Mar 18, 2005, 11:04am
ozzy6900 ozzy6900 is offline
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Originally posted by orioles35
I also believe the pitcher has to break his hands apart as he's stepping off the rubber. I've had kids do half of this move correctly, stepping off with the correct foot. But they also bring both hands together over their heads, which is mimicing a windup. That's a balk.

The interpretation I've always used was for a right handed pitcher, step back with his RIGHT foot while breaking both hands apart, step back with the left foot (which effectively makes him a fielder), then he can make a throw to a base. Usually this is only effective when a runner is taking a ridiculous lead, or is being overly aggressive, thinking the pitcher hasn't remembered to pitch from the stretch.
The breaking of the hands is not required in the step off (OBR). A pitcher can step off the rubber and walk all over creation with his hands together. He must break his hands and let them go to his side before he re-engages the rubber!
When in doubt, bang 'em out!
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