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Old Thu Mar 17, 2005, 02:42pm
Warrenkicker Warrenkicker is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Wichita, KS
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Not so fast.

ART. 1 Any receiver may signal for a fair catch while any legal kick is in flight. Any receiver who has given a valid or invalid fair-catch signal is prohibited from blocking until the kick has ended.
ART. 2 It is a fair catch and the ball is dead if any receiver gives a valid fair-catch signal, as in Article 1, and he catches a free-kick in or beyond the neutral zone to R’s goal line, or a scrimmage kick beyond the neutral zone to R’s goal line.
ART. 3 Only the receiver who gives a valid signal is afforded protection. If, after a receiver signals, the catch is made by a teammate, it is not a fair catch but the ball becomes dead.

It is not a fair catch if the player who catches the ball did not signal. The ball becomes dead if another player signalled but they don't have the option of a free-kick.
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