It this situation, there must be some common sense applied. It seems there was no intent of A1 (who technically would have now become A6 as bench personnel) to disrupt the contest and was simlpy returning directly to their seat. Was A1 entirely on the court or just one foot? If A1 was not completely on the floor it is an easy OOB, throw in by team A. If A1 was on the floor inadvertantly, if the judgement by the official was that the ball would have gone OOB if A1 was not there, again simple, OOB, thrown in by team A. If there was a reasonably good chance that B1 may have saved the ball from going OOB, then maybe the judgement of the offical would rule interference by A1 (inadvertant so no additional penalty), give B1 an OOB throw in with no reset to the shot clock. If A2 and B1 were both going for the ball and had a reasonable chance to save it and A1 interfered, maybe go with a "jump-ball" and award the throw in via the arrow. A1 (A6) would not be treated the same as an offical if the ball hit the official on or off the court (official being part of the floor).