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Old Wed Mar 16, 2005, 12:44am
debeau debeau is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 382
Thanks for the support .
I am in New Zealand so at present it is 6-30pm Wednesday .
As base umpire two man team I am 3/4 between 1st and 2nd and with a hit to the outfield I come infield and watch for obstruction of the runner and ensure batter/ runner touches 1st base .
The plate umpire checks the catch and the tag up so the appeal is his call
As in a lot of cases umpires tend to remember most of the a particular rule .
The runner is protected if obstructed between bases but is also protected to any base if in the judgement of the umpire they would have made that base if they were not obstructed. An easy tag going to a base out . A close play going to a base safe on that base .
However as noted by some , a succesful appeal over rules this and the runner is out .
PU is an older umpire who has not kept up with rules .
Local Association disciplinary committee found my ejection correct .
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