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Old Wed Mar 16, 2005, 12:02am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is online now
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I too would like to thank Bob Jenkins for his astute post. When I read your clip from the coach's letter, I was also wondering why is this guy standing up and talking to the official during the game, if he isn't the head coach? I would have whacked him without a second thought.

Originally posted by Bob Gingerich
I haven't teed a coach in a couple of years. I try to work things out. Some coaches are just impossible to please, though.
First you absolutely MUST come to understand that officials are not out there to please the coaches, the players, or the fans. Once you firmly grasp this you will become a much better official.

So why are the officials out there?
We are on the court to be the only unbiased arbiters of the game. We are not concerned with who wins or loses, but only fairness and safety. Everyone else in that gym cares about winning, and therefore cannot look at the game objectively.

In short, if the coach isn't happy with your performance, that's too bad for him. You should worry more about whether the coach shows you the proper respect than if he likes you.

And even if the coaches get to rate the officials in your area and that determines postseason selection, the vast majority of good coaches will vote for the officials that they know are fair and can't be influenced by the home crowd or guy on the other bench, not the guy who gives them a call to make them happy. It is these latter officials that the coaches are actually scared of because they worry that the opposing team will be able to get that crucial call with some pointed screaming, yelling, and pleading.
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