Originally posted by Dan_ref
Aren't the IAABO constitution & by-rules in the IAABO handbook?
This could very well be something found in your local board's constitution/by-rules, btw. IAABO does not mandate the business operations of each board.
In any event seems silly to fine her for missing meetings, at the most hit her up for her dues, based on the apparent confusion.
Slap the forehead, Ive got my 2003-2004 book here in my desk draw. New one is in my bag, but I would not think there is a difference.
Anyway; Article III, Section 9 (Bottom of page 18)
All Active/Officiating (AO)...shall be required to attend not less than three meetings...
On the top of page 20 there is Section 19 that covers Right of Hearing. Basically a protest must be in writing and the official must be given time to prepare for the hearing. A quick read does not show who is doing the hearing.
Plus, I am taking this from the HS edition maybe the college edition has some overriding rules???