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Old Mon Mar 14, 2005, 10:53am
M&M Guy M&M Guy is offline
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Originally posted by tjones1
I just got home from Peoria about 25 minutes ago! Another great year up there. I hope it stays there, we always have a good time. BTW: When's upgrade 74 going to be finished. I know it's been going on for at least two years, but it seems like three.
I remember talking to a friend of mine who works for the state, and he told me it was set up as a five year project. It's just like the widening around Bloomington - I believe this is the fifth year of that project.

As far as the tournament staying in Peoria, there are a lot of people that are working on getting it back to Champaign where it belongs. Somehow the allure of playing at the Civic Center just isn't the same as the Assembly Hall. I will give Peoria it's due in that there are more things to do within a closer radius, and they also have Big Al's...
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