Response to DG
First, thanks to everyone who cited the rule regarding my question. I appreciate it.
As for your comment DG about the kid not being a switch hitter, I don't want to be an A** to you, but if you knew that wasn't what I was asking, why did you respond?
The kid doesn't play for me and we see him maybe 3 to 4 times per year in tournaments, etc. It's his coaches/parents issue whther he should be batting left handed or not. (Truth be told he is a passable left handed hitter, and an extremely good right handed hitter)
Back to my point though, this was the first time I had read or posted to this forum. I have read and posted to other forums for years but most of them end up the same. Every guy who can distinguish between a baseball and a grapefruit has to post comments which aren't relevant and to be honest, it becomes tiresome and drives people away from the forum.
So DG, if your reply is typical of this forum and what I should expect, I will delete this forum's bookmark right now.
Sorry, to go off like this, but having to see the proof (again) of the old adage, "Opinions are like a--holes, everybody has one." just really broke down my sense of decency.