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Old Fri Mar 11, 2005, 04:41pm
drothamel drothamel is offline
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I understand what the rules committee is trying to do i.e. keeping players off the floor, avoiding injuries, etc.; but I do think that the T is too harsh. Everyone on this board knows that calling T's doesn't help to make a game pretty, that is why they are only assessed as a means of cleaning up that which is already, or becoming ugly. I don't think that the flop falls into this category. Usually, you can clean it up with some verbal communication, or calling a block. I agree with what some have said that it falls along the same line as the old elbow swinging T. The T was just too harsh, once they added the violation, it was easy to clean it up. Also, I haven't seen many games where "flopping" is as real problem. I have done many games where it never happens, and in extreme cases, it may happen twice in a game. This is one POE that I just don't see, at least where I am.
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