Originally posted by imaref
Example 2, if company a sells a shirt for $25.00 and charges $6.95 for the shipping/handling, there shirt is $31.95 and that covers there expenses. Our company right now charges $15.00 for the same shirt, and $10.00 shipping/handling, where do you save more money. Plus, we have a better product. In closing, a few people have voiced displeasure in the exciting world of the officiating "chat rooms", but for the most part the many people who have purchased our fine products have sent us kind thank you notes. One more thing, it won't be long now before we get a notice from FedEx and UPS that due to the price of oil rising this week, their rates will rise again.
5 pages long???? Who was it that was looking for a 10 pager a short while back? Rainmaker?
Good thing Paul did so well in school. He must have mastered english like he did math. There vs their?
$66.00 was their quote for shipping for me. I'll continue to shop with Honigs.
Someone let me know when the "exciting" part of the chat room starts.