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Old Thu Mar 10, 2005, 02:08pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by scyguy
8-4-2c states "immediate act of making a play". Do we have a gage on when this is? Does the ball have to be a given distance from the fielder? In my original situation B, could we call runner out and allow ball to remain alive by applying this rule? If not, then at what point is the play immediate? When the ball is five feet away?
Tee (iirc) posted some good guidelines earlier in the thread.

Also, in the rundown situation, does 8-4-2c fit. Runner is out, ball is alive. What does it mean by saying "legally attempt"?
Any method that is not prohibited by rule -- IOW not hurdling, jumping, diving, ...

I teach it as "The runner must "get down, go around, or give up." -- but don't take those terms as absolutes.

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