Thu Mar 10, 2005, 12:02pm
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Texas
Posts: 5,030
Originally posted by Nevadaref
Originally posted by tjones1
Originally posted by SMEngmann
Sounds like PC to me, maybe intentional or flagrant. Since there was contact, there can be no T, but in the absence of contact you could have a violation, a T or a no call (although you said excessively swinging, so something most likely has to be called).
I still don't see where you can get a T during a live ball.
Rule 4, section 19
ART. 13 . . . An unsporting foul is a noncontact technical foul which consists of unfair, unethical or dishonorable conduct.
This is the only call that can be made for swinging and missing with a punch or an elbow that was meant to strike in the same manner.
Yes if you deemed it that, but no contact in this case I've got a violation, not an unsporting foul.
The key is that there was no contact on the play, so a personal foul cannot be called.
Seems odd that the penalty is more severe for swinging and missing than for actually hitting the opponent during a live ball.