Originally posted by SMEngmann
...In regards to the coaches behavior, I'd definitely report it because it needs to be reported, but I'd cut the guy a little slack. He got screwed by a bad rule and it ended his season, he was good the whole game and he was just venting his anger at the shirt and not you. Again, clearly inappropriate, but 5 months of hard work just fell short in his mind because of a rule technicality. I'm sure if he had the moment back, he'd act differently, so I'd have empathy here and hightail it into the officials room. Way to handle the situation.
him some slack? What about all the two bit f!@#$%^& whores out there who were humiliated by being compared to a referee? What about the breach of confidentiality the coach committed by revealing the pricing between he and his whore. Now she has to lower her rate to stay competitive.....who is gonna compensate her for the losses. The ref? Oh the humanity! Btw, can anyone spare a quarter?