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Old Wed Mar 09, 2005, 04:38pm
tjones1 tjones1 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Originally posted by refTN
Two Questions. Why is this play so miscalled. A1 goes up for a three point shot and then after A1 lands he gets a butt in the thigh by B1. The official calls a foul and gives A1 three shots. No way. The Player had landed and was no longer airborne or in a continous motion. It is either a no call or ball nearest the spot of the foul.

just say player A1 and A2 are T'ed up and there are four free throws coming. How many different shooters can you have? and if you know please give me the rule. Thanks
4 different shooters. One for each shot.
The coach or captain shall designate the free thrower(s).
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