Wed Mar 09, 2005, 01:01pm
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Re: After further review...
[QUOTE] Originally posted by KWH
Originally posted by MJT
I see your point, but do you agree that we have the discretion under 9-8-1 to give the coach one as well?
MJT, you make a very valid point...
After further review, I agree this could be UC #2 on the head coach and he is disqaulified.
I was going to send the head coach packing anyway, but by involking the "Unfair act" rule.
So here is my enforcment if I was ever in this situation.
1) Live Ball - Illegal participation on B12/B38 9-6-4a, To have 12 or more players participating)
2) Live Ball - Illegal participation on B12/B38 9-6-4e, For a disqualified player to re-enter the game.
3) Unsportsmanlike Conduct on B12/B38 9-5-1b Using profanity...
4) Unsportsmanlike Conduct on Head Coach B 9-8-1h Allowing players to use illegal equipment.
5) Unfair Act - 9-9-3 Because, in my opinion, Head Coach B and B12/B38 (aka Gainesta38) conspired to make a travesty of the game by knowing allowing a disqualified player to reenter the game by changing his jersey, both the Head Coach and the player are disqualified and ejected from the stadium area. Also I am taking on an additional 15 yards.
Can you imagine announcing all of these infractions? Just for kicks try it in the mirror!
1) The live ball IP (only one can be enforced) moves the ball from the 50 to the B35
2) The UC against B12/B38 moves the ball from the B35 to the B20
3) The UC against Head Coach B moves the ball from the B20 to the B10
4) The Unfair act penalty moves the ball from the B10 to the B5
5) Both Head Coach B and B12/B38 are ejected from the stadium area.
Result of the play is 1st and 10 for B from the B5 and the 3rd period will be extended for one untimed down.
I would write a letter to my assigning sectretary with a copy to the the state association along with a copy of the game report depicting how I handled the situation and why.
I realize that ejecting players is not supported by rule but I also realize that this is an extremly special circumstance.
I also recognize that some would feel that a forfeit is warranted and probably supportable.
In 27 years I have yet to involk the Unfair Acts rule, and probably never will.
This is just how I would handle this situation if I was dealt this hand of cards.
What do others of you think?
I like yours, but you could also say the following. We have a sh**load of fouls on the play. After enforcement it is 1-10 at the 5 for an untimed down, and a player and coach were ejected.