Whenever I get a fever or have lot's of stress at work; I'm running along some train track trying to get ahead of the train so I can jump across because I can see my bed on the other side. Everytime I get a little ahead of the train, it get's rockier, or there's a crowd of hobos to run thru, or some brush I have to get past and I loose my lead. It's like the train is trying to race me. I had to leave a company that transfered me 1000+ miles because of the stress and now I sleep with a mouthguard so I can't grind my teeth.
I think officiating has saved my sanity. It tires me out so I can sleep. I love the game so it relaxes me. Plus I get to read all the funny stories on this forum. The funniest of which are when folks go-da hollerin and arguing.
Do you ever feel like your stuff strutted off without you?