Originally posted by Bob M.
REPLY: MJT...I agree with your NCAA answer. That was the easier of the two rulings. But I'm not sure I agree with your Fed answer. I think it will be A's ball 1-10 from midfield. The continuity of downs has been broken once B touches the scrimmage kick beyond the NZ. It's not elegant, but even though the down didn't end, the series of downs did end once B muffed the kick. For further thought, what would you do if the same play occurred on third down?
[Edited by Bob M. on Mar 8th, 2005 at 05:23 PM]
I debated that as well, but was unsure about it cuz of the 4th down status. I would say if 3rd down, then 4th down for A, but since it was 4th down, and when the down ended, team A did not reach the LTG and is not really in team possession as a result of the pass, it would be B's ball. I saw potential problems in my, and your answer, while researching my answer. I know is says "a new series is awarded to the team in possession at the end of the down if R touches a scrimmage kick beyond the NZ," but I am debating the fact of IF the down never ending until the incomplete 4th down pass, are they actually are in team possession at the end of the down?
Consider the following. Is team A the team in final possession if on a normal 4th down play, if they throw an incomplete pass? No. That is one of the major factors I am basing my answer on.
I am interested in others thoughts. This could be a good one!!!