Like I said, 500 people were standing in front of me, hollering about the throw in spot. I'm a casual observer, not a fan of either team, sitting down. I couldn't care less other than it was a substate final game and it did give a team a distinct advantage at a crucial point. It may have never dawned on Coach A that there was a potential mistake taking place, but I wasn't in his shoes.
The throw in was from half court and I believe was thrown in about 10-15 feet down court near the side line. The kid drove to the middle and went up for the shot. Foul was called.
The score to tie the game, the throw in afterwards, the timeout, was all as I described. I know you hear from all sorts of crackpots here, and some are even officials. I have no purpose in fluffing the story to make someone look good or bad.
FYI- This was a two man crew handling the game. Overall, they did a fine job, I wouldn't trade places with them.