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Old Fri Mar 04, 2005, 03:38pm
Bart Tyson Bart Tyson is offline
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Originally posted by Redhouse
mdray: What were he 2 T's for, one for the dunk and one for adding him to the book?

Bart, so if a fan came out during halftime and dunked the ball while a team was warming up would you still give that fan a T and add them to the book. What if they are too old to be on the team (i.e. a dad 57 yrs old) does eligibility still not matter and if he is added to the book will he be allowed to play in the 2nd half of the game?
Now you want to change the situation? This seems a little elementary to say, but, different situations call for different solutions. This would only happen in a sub. varsity game. Its best to teach the players and coaches early then have to deal with players trying to test the limits of the officials and the rules later, i.e. a varsity game. If you want to laugh about it and have players poking fun at you about how they did something they know better, then that is fine with me. Its easy to play Monday night quarterback, but these officials were on the court having to deal with something they don't need to deal with and they did the same thing I think I would have done. Put yourself in their shoes, they don't have time to go to the e-net or call the supervisor.
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