Originally posted by illiniref
Thanks for all the answers. Now anther follow up, do you recommend getting registered now or in the fall, or will I already have missed the bus as far as game assignments ans scheduling, etc. BTW, I am in South Chicago burbs, Lincoln Way area if that makes a difference.
As far as registering with the IHSA, you might as well wait until after July 1. Their licenses run from July 1 thru June 30, so if you registered now it would only be good until the end of this June, and you'll have to pay again to be registered for the fall.
As far as scheduling, the best place to start is to belong to an officials' association. I believe the IHSA also lists associations on their website as well. The association memebers will have good information and help as to how schools hire officials. Some areas have assigners that handle scheduling for schools or conferences; in other areas the schools hire the officials themselves. The association is the best place to start for all that info.