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Old Fri Mar 04, 2005, 11:09am
mopar60 mopar60 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 58
I was watching a 7/8 boys game and observed this sitch and wanted your input.

Midway through game and Team A makes a 3. I did not see / hear the team B coache's reaction at this point but a minute later during a stop in play the official who called the three starts walking to the B coach saying to "stop it right now" BC says "what, I didn't say anything" R says
"I know but you have been glaring at me and I don't like it, so stop it right now, you coach your team and we'll do the officiating!"

I believe the coach felt the shooter had foot in the line and should have been a 2.

I am probably not giving enough complete info for a cut and dried call here but I am wondering if a coach is doing nothing more than staring at you do you push the issue or let it go?

Can you use it in a sentence please.
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