Originally posted by mcrowder
If B5 is legal after one pitch, I'd love to see the rule/explanation that justifies that. None of the 3 of us thought that might be true.
Not exactly legal, but I think you have given the situation Mike was thinking of. I wouldn't call this "home free" since all the defense has to do is wait until B5 completes the at bat before appealing.
Question - say he sends B5 to the plate for a pitch, and then, finally, defense appeals. B5's pitch has made B3 the legal previous batter. If defense appeals now, B4 is the proper batter - do we rule her out, remove her from 3rd, and put her at the plate? That doesn't seem to jibe with any other interps.
No, no, and no. See 7-2-C-1. The incorrect batter is at bat, so no one is declared out. B4, the correct batter is on base. See 7-2-C-4 (the rule we previously concluded was THE MOST confusing and POORLY WORDED rule in the ENTIRETY of that whole mess called the ASA Official Rules of Softball

). This says we do not remove B4 from base but rather skip her, so B5 is now legal. So, all that appeal accomplished was legalizing the situation!
Sidebar - can manager PR for B4 at 3rd and then bring B4 to the plate?
No, because the
PR is the legal sub for B4 and occupies the 4th position in the batting order. Nothing has changed but the jersey number.