Thu Mar 03, 2005, 12:00pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 18,141
Originally posted by M&M Guy
Thanks Bob. The only reason I knew this without my rule books handy was because I seem to have this discussion with one of my partners at least once a year. Now, my real question is: do most of you have your rule books handy while you're on the forum? How do you get the case and rule numbers so quick? Since I'm here at work, do I need to start bringing my books in with me so I can keep up? And, more importantly, what's the proper way to tell the boss, "Not now, I have a rules question to look up"?
1) Memorize them.
2) Use the ARS CD
3) Bring the book to work (or get an extra copy and keep it at work).