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Old Thu Mar 03, 2005, 12:50am
PS2Man PS2Man is offline
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Talking I knew what I was saying.

Originally posted by Jurassic Referee

I agree completely. Calling people racists just because they don't agree with you is despicable.
I used the word to make a point. You were offended along with other folks. See how words can offend people. Why are you offended by being accused of something you say you are not, but you cannot understand why someone is offended by a word used in an unrelated to the issue? Being an African-American and having been stopped by the police for God knows what while being asked more about the car I drive than the and where I am going than what I actually did. I am sorry but I take great offense to someone of color being called a thug when they did not do anything to break the law. Do not tell me it is wrong to call you a racist then try to get self-righteous when someone is called a name that in my mind is just as inappropriate. Was Chaney wrong for his actions? He sure was and probably should lose his job over it. But do not tell me I do not have the right to my opinion about this issue. If it makes you uncomfortable that really is more your problem than mine. At least I knew what I was saying and the impact it was going to cause.
Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.