Wed Mar 02, 2005, 11:05pm
In Memoriam
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
Posts: 9,953
Originally posted by tjones1
Originally posted by mick
Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by tjones1
..... you are correct about NCAA-M and NCAA-W.
No, women's hoops is NOT correct. (No offense women's hoops, just didn't want you to leave with the wrong interp)
Under NCAA Men's rules, the opponent in the first space CAN have have his foot on the block.
As for NCAA Women, I'm not sure and I'm not looking it up.
Quite honestly, the NCAA rule book drives me crazy when I try to look things up. I really don't like their method of combining the rule book and "case book" together.
Here's a link to the NCAA Rule Book.
RE: NCAA Women
The first legal lane space (identified as "above the block") does not include the block.
Feet must be in the space; thus, no feet on the block.
Confused, so was my thinking correct?
Tanner [in response] - "Fed (NFHS): You cannot have your foot on the block and you are correct about NCAA-M and NCAA-W.
Seems right, Tanner.
NFHS and Women - Foot on block is illegal
Men - Foot on block is legal for first two defenders.