Originally posted by dblref
Originally posted by PS2Man
It is nice you seemed to know why someone makes a comment or not. Maybe we should call Ms Cleo and Deon Warrick to find out for sure why someone said something or not.
You are right that being a thug has no color but stereotypes sure do.
Having been born and reared in the South, and still living in the South, I find this thread to be very interesting. I have to agree with PS2Man when he said: "Your are right that being a thug has no color but stereotypes sure do." It works both ways, my friend, both ways.
Now that's about the smartest thing stated, or at least sums it all up the best, IMO, that I have read this whole thread.
[Edited by RookieDude on Mar 2nd, 2005 at 08:31 AM]