Thread: John Chaney:
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Old Tue Mar 01, 2005, 05:13pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally posted by PS2Man
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Ronny, the last time I checked they had black people in the South too. If you use the same stoopid logic, that would automatically make them racists too, wouldn't it? Iow, the whole premise was ridiculous from the git-go, and also not worth worrying about.

T'was the other poster that was implying that I should feel guilty. I don't. I never have.
The south gets a bad rap when some of the very same racist acts took place in the north all the time and many blacks were not legally segregated in the more industrial north.
That was my point and Mulk's point. Just because someone lives in the South doesn't automatically make them a racist, contrary to what some other people might believe. If you're gonna use twisted logic, you'd better apply it to everybody.

Btw, if you want to debate this further, find someone else. You have my views.