Thread: John Chaney:
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Old Tue Mar 01, 2005, 04:22pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by Snaqwells

This makes sense. I readily admit that there's a lot I don't understand when it comes to racial relations. That said, with regard to this particular issue, I'm not sure I agree that "thug" is being used disproportionately towards thugs of color. I could be wrong, but I don't see it.
I'm not offended, by the way. I've been participating in political, racial, religious, and geographic discussions on line long enough to pretty much be oblivious to getting offended. And that doesn't even address the thick skin I've developed as a ref.
I would not expect you to see it. No matter what the issue is, there are a lot of double standards out there. Maybe you do not see it because you are not personally affected by those double standards. Just as an official I see many double standards that are not openly spelled out. Just look at the OSCAR coverage and what the actors were saying about their opportunities. Hell there was people that got offended by what Chris Rock said about President Bush in his monologue. I guess those have the right to be offended by Rock's comments and anyone else cannot find things out of line about a characterization that seems to fall on every African-American when they make a mistake.

Oh well, I am not going to convince anyone here. I know who I am talking to. It was a great conversation and I think you for having it. I voiced my opinion and it still stands. I am done with it from this point on.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)