Originally posted by rwest
We talked about this ad nauseum at our local FP Devlopment School. The reason why they moved the runner from 1B to 2B is they felt they had to honor the advance. By rule all bases advanced are legal once a pitch has been thrown to the next batter. Therefore, they felt obligated to advance the runner from 1b. After the offense protested, they held up the game for about 30 minutes while the UIC's tallked it over. I believe Dick Gayler was even involved in the conversation. I could be mistaken about that.
The problem I have with this is that the "based advanced" was done so by what will be determined as an non-entity. If you recognize the base advancment, why couldn't you call an out? After all, there were two runners and now there is only one. Cannot have it both ways.
The only "legal" runner at this point was the #1 batter in the line-up and that player only earned 1B.
What standing does the offense have for protesting ANY ruling? They are the party in violation of the rules.