Originally posted by Gmoore
guys I just ask a question that I never heard of it i have been calling for 5 years been to clinics and I have never heard the term "FPSR" that rule "fpsr" is not in the NFHs rule book in the Playing terms and Definitions nor can i find it in the case book.
When this rule first came in, the Points of Emphasis called it the FPSR; so did the FED Rules slides. I even think there was a heading in the Rule Book with that wording. Naturally, there were the predictable rats thinking that it was a Forced Slide Play Rule, even tho' the "never required to slide" language was there from the start. The FPSR has been around long enough that some [most] of the references have been cleaned out of the book, but if you've "never heard it called that", check out the top of page 55 in th '05 Rule Book [8-4-2 PENALTY]:
...On a force-play slide with less than two outs, ....[my emphasis].