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Old Tue Mar 01, 2005, 06:00am
missinglink missinglink is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 77

Boys Division Monday challenge game, winner joins other 7 teams at State. Spectator watching an intense game, back and forth with no team ever holding more than a 3 point lead. 0:39 left in 4th, A leads 51-50. B has possession, B1 attempted shot, blocked and resultant furball in the lane. Ball bounces out of the pack to the right about a foot inside and parallel to the endline. B2 and B3 are closing on the ball and B2, who has one foot out of bounds LOOKS LIKE he is going to grab the ball right in front of Umpire and--tweet--- DOES NOT actually do so, ball continues to bounce inbounds untouched parallel to endline. 3000 sets of eyes are on the Umpire, well respected vet of 20+ years, who goes directly in front of B bench, has about a five second one-way with B coach then gives the held ball signal and we go the other way with the arrow. B calls a big timeout and the whole time Umpire is on the block during the TO he has the look of man enduring an impromptu proctology exam. Felt really bad for him but he did what he had to do in the situation. BTW, A makes one of two FT and B has an open look with 9 seconds left to tie but misses. A great game, but 50% of those there will remember one event.
Who needs the instruction book, let's just put it together.
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