I actually had a situation similar to this yesterday. The cut the court into 3 nice sized courts, and the outlet for the scoreboard was opposite the benches in the far corner of this court. The timer was starting the clock when the ball was thrown in. I noticed it and so did a coach, and he asked me about it. I said I also noticed it and will be speaking to the timer about it. So using the footbal mechanic I signal to the timer to start the clock on my arm. The timer got the hint, but the coach didn't, as I'm about to put the ball into play, the coach who is standing directly behind me starts screaming at the table. I turn around and tell him, "Coach sit down" My initial thought was to say "sit down and shut up"
but I caught myself before that.
. If he continued I would've T'd him, although the timer was doing something wrong, we need to support our officiating crew. And if that means handing out technicals, then so be it.