Thread: Hand Checking
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Old Mon Feb 28, 2005, 05:55am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Re: Re: Is anyone actually reading these posts?

Originally posted by rainmaker

I'm just saying that how the rule is interpreted is different from place to place and other refs can't necessarily count on their assignors wanting it done the way yours do. It's like 3-seconds. Interps vary, and the best thing for any ref is to do what's expected in their location.
Well you cannot tailor every discussion to what people do in their own backyard. I personally do not care what others do in other states because I do not work there. That is up to those that officiate in those states or belong to a particular association have to decide what anyone says may not apply to them. I am just saying that there is some displacement in the way many call the game. Whether that applies to your state or not is up to you to figure out.

Remember this post was started based on some comments I made in another post. I was commenting on why something might not have been called or overlooked in response to another poster. I was not talking about where I live or where the person I was responding to lived. I was just stating that maybe because there was not any displacement is the main reason why people are not seeing more hand checking fouls. I was not telling anyone what to do, just stating an opinion.

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