Thread: Hand Checking
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Old Sun Feb 27, 2005, 06:33pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Talking That is just great Tony.

Originally posted by BktBallRef

Notice #5? Does it say anything about displacement?
Tony, I really do not care what it says or does not say. What I am talking about is a philosophy, not a black and white interpretation out of the rulebook. I have told you many times I do not consider myself a rulebook official. This means I am not going to call everything just because the rulebook says it one way or another.

Originally posted by BktBallRef
Handchecking is a recurring POE because many officials refuse to call it.
Maybe it is a reoccurring problem where you live, but I do not see it as a problem around here. I see a lot of officials calling it and no matter where it is on the floor. But when it is called, it is called basically following the philosophy which I just stated.

Originally posted by BktBallRef
BTW, I work plenty of 4A basketball, state playoff and championship games. Calling handchecking when it occurs has not se me back in the least. As a matter of fact, it's helped me that I call these things that should be called.
I am happy for your experience and you probably are a very good official. I think you are trying to read into my statements (as usual) instead of actually reading my statements. I did not say you should not call hand checking, I said that you should not call hand checking for simple contact. At least here, that call is not acceptable with high level Class AA boy's basketball. It might be acceptable in the girl's game, but not the boy's game. One of the many reasons I refuse to work girl's games most of the time. I also work playoff games on the boy's side (assigned both classes this year) and I can tell you in the games I had last week I called hand checking in each of my playoff games and my college and regular season HS game. I have not worked a State Final yet and maybe one day I will some day. At this stage of my career I have to wait in line for the many other officials to get their turn and go through the ranks. Having said that, the way I call the game is just in line with what is expected and what other playoff officials are expected to call. If it was I would not be able to work the games I have over the years.

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