Originally posted by whiskers_ump
No argument what-so-ever on the *cop out* theory.
She also informed us that if we cancelled out of an ASA event
because of other committments, she would pull our cards.
90% of us do NFHS and AFA.
#1. You are not registered with your UIC, but with ASA. No one has the authority to "unregister" someone. A commissioner though does have the authority, supposedly with good reason, to declare an umpire as not being "in good standing" with ASA.
#2. Someone might want to remind this UIC that you are not her employee. If she acts as if she is, you might want to ask her when she is going to remit the appropriate FICA payments. And then there is the Worker's Comp issues.
However, if you pulled out of a previously made commitment to work another organization's game/tournament, I would probably remove you for consideration of future games/tournaments. To be honest, I don't know how anyone could defend an argument that a UIC was wrong for doing such a thing.