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Old Tue Jun 19, 2001, 10:59am
Brad Brad is offline
Whack! Get Out!!!
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: Johnson City, TN
Posts: 1,029
Originally posted by rainmaker
I don't like the rule that we cant stop the game for an injury until there is a "hold" in the play. But even according to the rule, play can be stopped immediately if there is imminent danger. I think you could include glasses under that clause.
If this rule wasn't in place you'd have plenty of players faking an injury to stop the other team's fast-breaks, etc.

If a player is in imminent danger of being hurt more (i.e. is lying under the basket while players are there) or if you think that the injury requires immediate attension (i.e. a player goes up for a dunk, misses it, and practically comes down on his head [yes, this happened in one of my games]) - STOP the game immediately.

If a player has fallen down and the other team goes down for an easy lay-up, etc. just let play continue and stop immediately after they score or if they throw the ball back out top to setup play.

I had a kid in a game this weekend lose his glasses. Fortunately, the ball was turned over and all the players took off the other direction, so no one was close to stepping on them. I had to pick his glasses up and give them to him because he was looking around and I don't think that he could see very well without them!

Personally, I don't think that you should stop play when the ball is in the air on a shot. I think that you should wait. Maybe having his glasses stepped on will get the player to realize that he needs some sports goggles or at least something to hold his glasses on!

I'm not trying to be mean - I just think that by stopping play in the middle of a shot (which you are going to have to disallow, by rule, if it goes in) you are setting yourself up for trouble.

[Edited by Brad on Jun 20th, 2001 at 02:08 AM]
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