I don't frequent e-teamz or whatever it is, but I would like to comment that the name His High Holiness is obviously used ironically, not remotely in an attempt at actual self-aggrandizement. If I called myself The Supreme Exalted Master of All Baseball and Softball Codes, would anyone think, "Gee, that guy has a big head. He has no right to call himself that"?
The fellow who calls himself God, it seems to me, falls into that same category, though he's trying to milk a stale and unimaginative gag. My objection would be that his posts are dull and irrelevant, not that he is actually setting himself up as God.
One might also argue that in an open forum, polite posters should think twice about either proselytizing or invoking Jesus' name in supposed humor. But, at least on this site, I haven't felt there's a problem in these areas. Apparently others have.
More whiskey—and fresh horses for my men!
Roll Tide!