Anyone ever figure out why there is English and then there is American English?
Could it be due to generations removed from the English colonies had difficulty understanding the manner in which it was spoken, so the culture naturally modified THEIR language to the point where it facilitated communication among the citizens?
Or is it possible that it just became accepted because it was easier than teaching the King/Queen's English to those who never hear it?
Or is it because Americans are just too lazy to even attempt to get it correct?
And, yes, I know you should not begin a sentence with a conjunction, but in many circles, this has become an acceptable manner of expression and I used it just because I know it's got to irk someone on this board
Admit it. In this country, people have started to write and type in the same manner in which they speak. There is no way to correct them without being labeled an obnoxious idiot. We live in an apathetic society that just does not care.
Rant off!