Men's league.
A player hip checks the cutter as the pass sails over his head. I call the foul and the player says, "That's bull s---," and gives me the finger.
Whistle, whack, flagrant T, goodbye.
In the next game a player is dribbling and tries a spin move, does a little chicken wing, causes contact with the defender and loses the ball. The defender grabs it and takes off for the basket. The dribbler runs him down jumps up and attempts to play the ball with his right hand, but grabs the guy around the neck with his left arm. When they land the defender now has both arms around the guys head and pushes him.
I got the intentional and I'm selling it. The guy and his team can't believe it. The guy is saying I got all ball, his teammates are not lying that bad, and are only saying that he played the ball.
I'm saying it was really close to a flagrant and he's lucky he's still in the game.
Last game a team has 9 players the other team has 5. The team with 9 are whinning all game. I whack a guy on the bench and after that the game settles down as the team with 9 takes a 10 point lead. The lead is 7 points with 4 minutes left when the big guy for the team with 5 fouls out.
5 on 4 with a 7 point lead and they blow it and we go OT. The team with 5 go 4 corners and then miss a shot. The other team goes down and hits a shot to go up 2 with 45 seconds left. Team 5 comes down gets fouled and misses both free throws, they foul on the rebound and we are shooting at the other end. As we are lining up a player says, "That foul call just took us out of the game."
I said, "You're down two with 35 seconds left, YOU NEED TO FOUL."
The guy hits both and the team with 4 end up winning by 4 points.
After the game the losers are saying loud enough for all to hear, how we cost them the game.
I normally just ignore the rec players after the game, but not after a night like this one, so I said, "Give me a freaking break, you played 5 on 4 for SEVEN minutes, YOU lost this game so quit whinning."
Go back to your business, rant over.
[Edited by blindzebra on Feb 24th, 2005 at 02:17 AM]