Thread: Delay of Game
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Old Thu Feb 24, 2005, 01:48am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by Snaqwells
Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by smoref

I beileve you are incorrect about a "T" if the team does not inbound the ball w/in the 5 sec. It would be the same if the team was trying to throw in the ball and team B was palying good defense and 5 sec expired. It would be a violation and team "B" would get the ball.

There is no reason to give a "T" if the ball is not inbounded with in the 5 sec allowed.
There is a very good reason, and that is that the rule book requires it when the Resumption of Play Procedure is in effect. There is no judgment required. There is no option.
Not the first time. Just a 5 second violation. The 2nd 5 second violation warrants the T here. I think it's safe to say that a 2nd violation would take some serious unsportsmanlike defiance.
Under the RPP, if A was to receive the ball, and B wasn't ready, A gets the ball, makes their play, and assuming they eventually score, the ref is to leave the ball bouncing, count to 5 and then call a T. I know I'm right, 100%, but I can't give a reference since my books are about 5 miles away, put away where they belong (it's me that's out of place at the moment.) I'll find the reference this weekend -- if I remember.
Sorry, Juulie, but Adam is right.

ART. 1 . . . After a time-out (as in 7-4-4) or the intermission between any quarter (as in 6-2-2), the resumption-of-play procedure is used to prevent delay. The timer will sound the authorized warning signal and final signal. The admin-istering official will then sound the whistle to indicate play will resume. In each situation:

a. The ball shall be put in play if Team A is ready or it shall be placed on the floor.
b. The throw-in count shall begin and if a violation occurs, the procedure will be repeated for Team B
c. Following a violation by one team only, if that team continues to delay when authorized to make a throw-in, it is a technical foul.
d. Following a violation by both teams, any further delay by either team is a technical foul.

You were thinking of the situation in which Team A violates on the throw-in immediately following the time-out, then Team B is given the ball and scores, and now it is Team A's throw-in again and they still aren't in position. That is a T.
Casebook play 7.5.1 also gives some info on this.