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Old Sat Jun 16, 2001, 09:06am
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally posted by Mark Padgett

Third - IMHO, the NCAA had a problem with that rule because the refs weren't trained thoroughly enough. This is the same mentality (I mean on behalf of the NCAA, not the poster) that eliminated the jump ball from NF. The reason given was not that it took too much time, but that refs had trouble tossing. I don't. And if I make a bad toss, my partner blows the whistle. Taking the jump out of the game is the same to me as when they put the DH in baseball and started playing indoors on plastic. YUCK!
That's my point. If the NCAa had difficulty training their officials how to handle the held ball rule, can you imagine what new guys working 6th grade ball around the country would do? I would also agree regarding jump balls. I don't think it's that difficult to toss a ball 6-7 feet into the air.
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