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Old Tue Feb 22, 2005, 12:41pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Re: A warning

Originally posted by Mike Goble
The question in question:

50. By rule which of the following can result in a warning?
A. A runner removes his helmet in live ball territory while the ball is alive.
B. A fielder, without the ball, fakes a tag.
C. Members of the offense line-up along the third base line to touch knuckles with a home run hitter before he reaches the plate.
D. An on-deck batter uses objects other than bats to loosen up.
E. A fielder stands in such a way that a runner tagging up cannot see a catch in the outfield.
F. A fielder verbally interferes; i.e., tells a runner advancing on a wild pitch: "foul ball".
G. A batter throws a bat carelessly.

I think the only correct answer is E. C relates to warning on the first offense and ejecting for further offenses. If the whole team is out there, you have multiple offenses and an ejection. Can you warn and eject on the same play?
I read the rule as a "team" warning, then ejecting someone who does it again -- the words "ejection of ONE of the offending players" implies (to me) that you wouldnt' eject someone during the first such play in which multiple teammates violate the rule.
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