We had an incident here two years ago with one team in particular who was really bad. Fortunately I wasn't at the game but apparently it was everything from teachers on the sidelines to the kids and coaches and school administrators just hollering and generally making total fools of themselves. Surprisingly the whole affair ended in a brawl.
The rule then came from our highschool football's provincial body that onfield officials were to show no tolerance whatsoever. Great. Tolerance for what?
During the pregame we're now instructed to remind coaches to keep their teams under control. I take the same liberty at the coin toss with the captains. I use the 'keep it in your helmet' rule. Unless it's some kind of racial slur or something and the kid is basically keeping it to himself then we won't worry too much.
Kinda funny story - we have one quarterback locally who is going to be in grade 12 this year. Frankly he's got some potential but he's going to have to learn to keep his yap shut. He's a captain so he hears my little blurb before every game but in every game right about half way through the third quarter his attention span dries up and blammo - he's hollering profanity to the high heavens. Fast forward to the last game of the season - they weren't going to get to playoffs - kid goes off at about the prescribed time. Coach calls a time out, trades quarterbacks, and our happy yeller was running the track in full equipment for the rest of the game