Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Originally posted by lrpalmer3
Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
I'm working on an MBA at a D-III school around here and I do get scheduled to work baseball games at and including the school. I never even considered turning them back -- I just take classes there and simply do not care whether their sports teams win anything.
CCA book says this is a no-no in its "Officials shall not..." section. Maybe you should've kept your identity a secret.
Why? Should I be nervous or something?
BTW, I just thumbed through the CCA baseball manual. There's nothing in there that says that....just that umpires should not call unless "free from obligation" and other such stuff. Believe me, I am free from such obligation.
But I've decided to email the assignor and disclose the "conflict" and see what he thinks. My baseball schedule is pretty full and if I end up with two fewer dates it won't be all that awful.
[Edited by Rich Fronheiser on Feb 21st, 2005 at 01:36 AM] [/B]
Just kidding about keeping your identity secret.

CCA Officials' Code of Conduct (basketball, page 10). "Good officials shall: not accept game assignments for any school the official attended, coached at or had any affiliation..."
I could care less about you working the games, just wanted to give you a heads up about what's in the book.