Originally posted by zebraman
Originally posted by Mark Padgett
Originally posted by ref18
Now saying that, I like to know when any player has 4 fouls, that way someone doesn't get fouled out on a marginal call. If it's going to disqualify someone it's gonna be a good call.
If you don't change the way you call fouls regardless of who the player is, then why do you make this statement? If that player has four fouls and he does something that you would have called a foul if it had been his first, then call it now. Treating him any other way would be unfair to everyone.
IMHO, there is never anything wrong with using a player's 4th foul as a gentle reminder to the crew that we need to have patient whistles and not anticipate a foul. Should we do that all game? Of course we should. However, a call that we wish we could have back (and who among us has never had one of those?) is magnified when it happens to be the foul that disqualifies a player with their fifth.
Agree completely. Or how about this one. We all know how we call on a regular basis the multiple foul

. Personally, I have never had one in over 30 yrs. That said, when I have a situation where more than one player may be involved in a foul, I now can chose the player with greater skills (the "star"--the one with greater skills --the one I knew had 4 fouls) to stay in the game by seeing that player B (the one with less skills)probably had the first foul.
By so doing we help to ensure a better played game because the more skilled player is still in the game. If the substitute was a better player (better skills)he would probably be in the game already. When the player with less skills enters, do the chances of a higher level of a play decrease? IMO, it probably does. Is this always true? Of course not? Is it another little game mgmt. technique that might help ensure a better played game? Possibly. Have I used it as such in my calls? Yes. It is like Z said, a gentle reminder to stay in the game, have a patient whistle--game awareness.
Please don't misunderstand. I don't go looking to make up fouls that weren't there. "B" had to be involved in the above mentioned foul sequence before I implement this choice. And it is not something that happens that frequently--just enough to keep it 'on file' for use as the situation may allow.
[Edited by davidw on Feb 18th, 2005 at 06:15 PM]