Originally posted by Camron Rust
Originally posted by Dan_ref
Originally posted by hbioteach
2 man crew. I'm the L looking up the line because A1 is near the sideline being trapped.
I wouldn't interfere with this call from 45 feet away. Let it go.
BTW, I know this is your line and all but there's really no reason for you to be refereeing action way up there. IMO you should have stayed off the ball and the T should have come way over to handle the trap. Unless there's a tip or something funny he can help with the OOB call.
I disagree...to a point. The lead is the ONLY one in position to cover the line. The trail, even in perfect postition on a cross court trap will NOT have a view of the line that will do them any good. I've seen partners try to cover the line that way and get it wrong...badly wrong (player that was 1-2 feet from the line was called OOB). The trail can, of course, know who tipped the ball out when it is knocked OOB.
That said, the lead should only glance up that direction when the play is "REAL" close to the line...not where the pivot foot is. The lead will need to alternate his vision up the line and off ball. It's a tough area to cover in 2-man but there is no other good way to do it short of a full rotation where the trail crosses the court completely.
I don't think we disagree at all. The T has the players on the trap and since there's no one left except for the L he needs to concentrate off ball & not be as concerned with the sideline.