There is a Lutheran University here in Portland (Concordia) that holds a "Lutheran Elementary School Tournament" here every year on their campus. There are kids from Lutheran Elementary Schools around the Northwest including BC, Montana, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Northern California and Nevada. It's a lot of fun for the kids and parents and it's a great introduction to the college, and a good fundraiser for the college. They have competitions in basketball, swimming, spelling, geography, history, various musical instruments, bible memory, dance/drill and I don't know what all else. One of my ref friends organizes bball refs every year, and I always work it. It's close to my house, and the games are a blast. They gym is always packed and noisy, and there's always a dance/drill team at half-time, and it's just plain fun.
So yesterday here we are before the game starts, with introductions and then the prayer, which they do before every game. All the prayers are basically the same, you know, "help us not get hurt, help us have good sportsmanship, thanks for this fun weekend." But last night, the little girl added one extra request. "Help the refs give us a fair game." I have a feeling that she wasn't trying to cast aspersions, just trying to include us in the prayer. But it came out funny -- as though we were hopeless without God's intervention. Made me laugh!
Thankfully, God granted her request, since it was Bret and me that were there calling. She got a great game!