I agree with Rut on this. (Hey, it happens

not your imagaination, Rita. For the vast majority of officials, we are aware of the foul count, but we don't intentionally try to "even it up". There are, however, a lot of officials who think that in an evenly played game, the foul count should also be even. I've worked with one in the past (and in fact have a game with him again very soon).
Last night, fouls were 5-0 in the home team's favor and the visiting coach mentioned it to my partner. His comment was, "Believe me, Coach, we are all aware of it. Nobody in the gym wants to see a foul against them more than me. If you see one, let me know. But I can't make one up for you."
I think that's the right attitude. If there is a large discrepancy in the foul count, then be sure that you're not missing something. But don't make something up, either.
So, while it's not your imagination, it's also not good officiating. Put that philosophy in the circular file and go listen to a couple of other officials at halftime of your next game.