Originally posted by A Pennsylvania Coach
Thanks for all the replies. I assumed it'd be pretty easy to get the "suspension" corrected but I was in the process of getting right back into coaching. I think it was a pretty good detour for me--I picked up a little extra money in the summer and got some perspective. Now if I could get some of you to take a year on the bench, maybe that howler monkey term would disappear!
Welcome back PA Coach! I spent a few years on the bench myself, I know it aint easy.
Poker is the first thing I've ever found where it's cool to be good at math. I'm not ready to become a pro (don't think I ever would, unless I became independently wealthy via some other avenue) but I did make more last year playing poker than I made coaching. Without risking more than discretionary income, I've worked my way up to winning a fair sum monthly both online and in Atlantic City. My friends were worried about me at first; now I've gotten most of them addicted. Much like the coaches (and a few officials) that think they know it all without ever picking up a (rule) book, there are an awful lot of players who think it's all luck, or do what they see on TV. There is a lot of good poker literature out there, plus a couple good internet forums, and a bright person who puts a little time into it can become a winning player in no time.
Poker's fun although I prefer blackjack at the casinos. How do the internet gambing sites work? You send them a CC# or something that they put into & take out of?